We advise our users to exercise caution when making payments to individuals or companies who promise quick or guaranteed returns to investments or donations to charities, particularly companies and individuals who are not government-licensed. When sending money, we urge you to take due care establishing the identity of the recipient of your funds. We would like to remind our users that transactions with coins.co.th cannot be reversed.
Blockchain technology has almost limitless potential to improve society, but there will always be people who take advantage of technology for personal ends.
coins.co.th does not endorse or is affiliated in any way with such activities or products. At coins.co.th, our mission is to accelerate financial inclusion and ease money transfers through digital currency, and it is founded on a strong commitment to secure transactions and strict observance of KYC and AML regulations.
We have a zero tolerance policy on fraud and scamming practices. Our User Agreement expressly prohibits the use of coins.co.th with the intention of defrauding coins.co.th or its users. Account holders found in violation of our User Agreement will be investigated by coins.co.th and suspended from the platform. The accounts in question will be deactivated.
A non-comprehensive list of scamming websites can be found at http://www.badbitcoin.org/thebadlist/.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at support@coins.co.th.
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